All Our Products

Our storefront in Nala features products produced by our members. This ranges from tea, jewelry, lapsi candy, and other handicrafts. This outlet provides an opportunity for our members products to reach markets beyond their own villages and districts. We provide additional support to our members though training programs in business planning, management, and other areas where they need support.

Effective Micro-Organisms (EM).

WECCSL is actively working to reduce the use of pesticides used in agriculture across Nepal. We are supporting our members in switching to organic practices due to the benefits for producers and high demand from consumers, especially within the Kathmandu valley.

We produce an organic fertilizer known as Effective Microorganisms (EM). EM are mixed cultures of beneficial microorganisms that can be applied as inoculants to increase the microbial diversity of soils and plants which, in turn, can improve soil health, and the growth, yield, and quality of crops. Using EM activates soil life, promotes plant growth, suppresses harmful microbes, restores water quality, activates compost, controls odor, and has many other benefits. This product has allowed many of our members to switch to organic agriculture, and lead healthier lifestyles than they were when using chemical fertilizers and pesticides.