Empowering Women Entrepreneurs


We work to empower women to explore entrepreneurship as an opportunity to improve their position in an effort to create an equitable society.


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Empowering Women & Saving Environment

Empowering Women

We work to empower women to explore entrepreneurship as an opportunity to improve their position in an effort to create an equitable society and provide services and training to its member cooperatives, with a focus on skill
development, leadership training and the sales and marketing of cooperative consumer goods.

Saving Environment

We actively working to reduce the use of pesticides used in agriculture across Nepal by producing organic fertilizer, known as Effective Microorganisms (EM). We are committed to sustainable practices and to leveraging the cooperative movement and its businesses to support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

What we do

Our Services

Business Planning Training

Helping members create and implement business plans to help their co-operative or company flourish

Management Training

We are working to increase knowledge when it comes to finances and managing enterprises, weather well established or just starting out.

Marketing Support

Creation of physical market space for out members products is helping to bring awareness to Nepali produced merchandise and creating a larger customer base.

Organic Agriculture Training

WECCSL produces Effective Microorganism (EM) fertilizer, which has been proven to increase yields and soil fertility for a variety of crops. We also provide support and training for those looking to switch to organic production.

 What Drives Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to develop women entrepreneurs and empower women across Nepal through skill development, leadership training, and providing crucial market access to women, particularly those in rural areas in support of a secure future.


Our Vision

Our vision is to contribute to the development of an equitable society through the economic development and empowerment of women throughout Nepal with a focus on sustainable practices to drive financial empowerment.

Join Us

Contact us for more information about upcoming events and training and to get involved with the work that we are doing across Nepal.

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